It has been a busy but wonderful half term with our students. We hope all of our families are safe and well in these difficult times.
Christmas/End of Term Celebrations
We have a variety of celebrations planned for the end of term, including our Accelerated Reader Rewards Assemblies and performances for some of our students to experience. Though we cannot hold any events that require any year groups to gather, many of our celebrations will be virtual or involve smaller groups of students. We will do our very best to make the end of term a special time for our students, who deserve to enjoy themselves after working so hard. We will be running reward trips/experiences at the end of term as usual and separate information will be sent about this to parents/carers. A reminder that the last day of term will be Thursday 16 December and we return to school on Tuesday 4 January.
#UnitetheUniforms campaign,
Wear Red for Homelessness and the Poppy Appeal
We would like to thanks all of our parents/carers who supported these events with generous donations during this term so far. It is very special for us to be able to support such charities and we always use the opportunity to talk to the students about the events and the reason for our fund raising. You will be aware that we try to limit the amount of events we support; we understand that it can become expensive for parents/carers, particularly around this time of year. We try to encourage our students to let us know which events/organisations they feel it is important to support and how they would like to do this. In the summer we are planning to fund raise in support of Breast Cancer Awareness as this is a charity our students have told us feels close to their hearts, and our own Mrs John (PE) has unfortunately had personally experienced. More information will follow about this in due course.
PE Kit
Many of our students have fed back to us that they feel the PE kit should be improved. We have asked students across the school and parents (of those in Y7 and Y8) to provide us with their thoughts on this, in readiness for a new kit to be implemented for students in Y7 joining us in 2023. There would be no expectation that other students purchase the new kit, but they could do so if they wished. PE kit should not be a barrier to students taking part in PE lessons, and this is the focus for us as we move forward with this project.
As a #SchoolWebsite provider, we are passionate about raising awareness of #SaferInternetDay
This year's theme #PlayYourPart is about relationships & respect online.
Our e-safety blog post has useful advice for schools about children staying safe online: